Monday, July 29, 2013

Information at the Speed of Light (through the air) Hollow Core Optical Fiber

To really get a good feel for this high tech fiber optic Spider Wire you have to first earn a respect for your country - if that country is the United States. Essentially the goal is to transfer data at the speed of light through the air. Far from trivial it's the apex of the worlds most precious technological developments.

The one missing piece could generate trillions in the private sector. The United States Department of Defense Advanced Research Projects Division is the premier intellectual property quantifier. It's achievements leave nations in awe as the very technology - the Internet - that you're viewing this image on was birthed by this agency.

From high tech robots to data moving at the speed of light without visible connectors - it's DARPA that promises to find the answers. To learn more about this project click the link below:


And if you get a chance, check out the job bids they send out. They work hard to ensure that current commercial innovation isn't compromised. Challenging conventional wisdom for great leaps forward towards the advancement of civilization. Application:

Friday, July 12, 2013

Why is it a big deal that TEX cleaned my backside with his tongue ?

This guy Tex is a big deal down here in Branson.

A couple guys want to take the old dog system down. It's gotten bad. Hell, we haven't seen this type of corruption since the Taney County League of Justice turned hard left towards the pinnacle of hell.

The locals know. The town elders know;  what few remain are dying from times cruel punishment.

Dogs don't worry about dying. All dogs go to heaven. I serve the master. He is good.

When he brought me to the hotel in Branson master was a bit freaked out. Tex found a bullet in front of the door of the room Tex was staying in. I like the room. There was plenty of trash strewn around to play with.

I was confused at the way Tex spoke. He barked commands faster than master ever has and his voice was loud - very loud human voice. No one could stop him from talking he yelled at master for three hours straight. Master did what he said to stop him from barking. It confused me.

The temperature was down to 65, when master asked to turn it up Tex said no ans screamed for 20 minutes. Tex was jealous of master. Tex wanted to love me but not like master.

Tex licked my butt and cleaned me. Master walked in the first time but Tex did it again. Master caught him and Tex started screaming. We left. I never saw Tex again. I miss him licking me, there is no such thing as toilet paper for dogs.

Tex has a girlfriend named Bonnie. Bonnie is the only dog married to a human.

What I don't understand is this. This guy Tex licks my butt (totally legal in Missouri) and everyone gets in an uproar.

And yet dog rape happens all the time and no one in America bothers to even take these criminals to the pound ? Not to mention, the institutional rape of dogs called breeding. Humans are so dumb.

Everything I Ever Needed To Know I Learned From Sniffing Butts

You see this face ? Take a good look. I'd tell you the truth but you wouldn't be able to handle it. Truth is, if this particular expression was mastered through a $300 million dollar experiment from the Department of Defense, I couldn't tell you. But I'm probably a pre-ATLAS prototype.

I'll say this. Most of the world's history is hidden from you - hidden in open site. I'll be in Branson for the next few weeks on a mission, another mission, another chance to save the world for the master - he is good.

If you see me know this; I've sniffed a lot of butts in my lifetime. I can tell where and what you eat, who you love, how you feel and most of the time everything you're about to do. Saving the world from humans? Just another day in my life. If you sniffed my butt, you'd know that